Philo - Notice history

Video - Operational

100% - uptime
Apr 2024 · 100.0%May · 100.0%Jun · 99.98%
Apr 2024
May 2024
Jun 2024

Sign Up - Operational

100% - uptime
Apr 2024 · 100.0%May · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%
Apr 2024
May 2024
Jun 2024

Sign In - Operational

100% - uptime
Apr 2024 · 100.0%May · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%
Apr 2024
May 2024
Jun 2024 - Operational

100% - uptime
Apr 2024 · 100.0%May · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%
Apr 2024
May 2024
Jun 2024

Apps - Operational

100% - uptime
Apr 2024 · 100.0%May · 99.94%Jun · 99.80%
Apr 2024
May 2024
Jun 2024

Notice history

Jun 2024

May 2024

Roku service issue causing Philo app to not load with error code -60
  • Resolved

    Roku's given the all clear! Make sure to power cycle your Roku device if you're still having issues.

    "[Service Interruption] Update 4:00 PM PST: Roku Services are back online. If you are still having any trouble streaming or activating your Roku device, please unplug the device from the power source for 10 seconds and plug it back in."

  • Monitoring

    Some Roku customers are seeing issues with trying to load the Philo app (channel) due to Roku services being impacted.

    Will need to wait for Roku to give all clear on their service outage. See for updates!

Apr 2024 to Jun 2024
